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Be Interested…Not Interesting

In cultivating and nurturing professional business relationships, being interested is the key: not interesting! The natural urge in beginning a new relationship is to promote and sell your services or products.  You spend a huge amount of time getting familiar with the features and benefits of our own offerings.  You may be very passionate about […]

Master Networker Certification = Master Wages

Trades Classifications I grew up around the trades industry. Plumbers, Electricians, Roughnecks, Deck hands, Drillers and union laborers were classified in 1 of 4 skill sets: Novice – Interested in learning the trade but brand new. Apprentice – Entry level commitment to a course of study with on the job experience Journeyman – A trained […]

Why Should I Trust You?

You don’t actually hear those words very often, but be certain…that question is being asked by your referral partners.  Whether they consciously or deliberately think it, there are Four Core Competency issues that are being mulled around to bolster trust. I’m fascinated with Stephen Covey’s book, “The Speed of Trust.”  Simply put, trust means confidence.  […]