Trades Classifications I grew up around the trades industry. Plumbers, Electricians, Roughnecks, Deck hands, Drillers and union laborers were classified in 1 of 4 skill sets: Novice – Interested in learning the trade but brand new. Apprentice – Entry level commitment to a course of study with on the job experience Journeyman – A trained […]
Archive by Author
NICHE Networking adds 400+ F2F Exposures Monthly
V.C.P. It’s not a new slogan but it’s so true. Visibility and Credibility bring Profitability! People need to see you. Then they need to see you in action. And if that action looks good, they are more likely to hire you! That’s one of the fundamentals of networking events. You show up to get out […]
BNI Visitor Days – Stimulating the Economy
March and April are BNI Visitor Day months. Business Networking International is the worlds largest professional networking organization. Visitor Days are aimed at giving the small business community a focused opportunity to join an exclusive referral networking group that is category specific. Austin and Central Texas has enjoyed a huge influx of new BNI […]
Why Should I Trust You?
You don’t actually hear those words very often, but be certain…that question is being asked by your referral partners. Whether they consciously or deliberately think it, there are Four Core Competency issues that are being mulled around to bolster trust. I’m fascinated with Stephen Covey’s book, “The Speed of Trust.” Simply put, trust means confidence. […]
DiNozzo Reprimand
I dropped by to pick up a book from one of my Inner Circle friends. We had a good chat about blogging…and right in the middle…he gave me a quick and firm DiNozzo Reprimand. I mean he figuratively slapped the backside of my head….and just looked at me. I deserved it and I needed it! […]
Achievements – What are you doing really BIG?
Denis Waitley, author of Seed of Greatness said, “The reason most people fail to achieve their goals in life is because they never really set them in the first place.” That’s true! It’s empowering to have clear, written goals in a variety of categories for your life! Without question, the most successful and fulfilled individuals […]
Trusted Referral – You should try ScanBizCards
YES…..It’s great! ScanBizCards (an app) has immediately simplified my basic and necessary contact capture, followup and connecting needs with potential clients and referral partners! It’s simple, inexpensive and does 6 major things I deem as important connecting skills. You should use it too! That’s called “Third Party Selling” It’s when one person, who gets NO […]
Referrals – “I got your back”
Recently I was contacted by a man who needed some specialized work done quickly. He was looking for a reliable referral that could get on it right away. It was easy to pass him the name of a man I knew was reliable and would do the work effectively and at a reasonable price….despite the […]
Open Networking

Open Networking describes the first 15 to 30 minutes of almost any professional or social gathering. At first glance….it appears to be be nothing more than lot’s of people catching up and making introductions. And for 60% of the group…that is exactly right. But NICHE Networker is working that crowd. She is looking for 10 […]
Networking Associations

Have you ever noticed how you see the same faces over and again as you move in networking circles. It can almost get rediculous! …