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NICHE Referral Certification

                 How much professional training have you received on Referral Networking? Did you know that 7 out of 10 outside sales professionals have NO training on networking an event, elevator pitches or strategic alliances. Less than 15% have a follow up system for cultivating referral partners. They are “winging” a […]

Jack of all Trades – Go Home!

What is the first question you ask when looking for a restaurant?  “What are you hungry for?”  Do you want Italian, Tex-Mex, Seafood, Steaks, Vegan, Indian, French, BBQ, German?  We naturally go after a specialization!  We have specific taste and wants.  Our taste buds are categorized and we envision something in particular.  AND… we immediately […]

Certified Referral Networker – Resume Upgrade

What would it look like to have Certified NICHE Networker on your resume? Word of mouth referrals close business 86% faster than any other form of advertizing.  The matrix of requirements and accountability in this program will help a team discover new skills and sharpen existing ones. Participants learn how to build long-term referral relationships, […]

Clarity = Focus on What Matters

It’s Monday afternoon.  Chuck has been busy all day working on STUFF.  His desk is scattered with several folders and his email is blinking at him.  There are 5 voice messages on his phone.  BEEP and another calendar reminds him of an appointment tomorrow.  There is a regional meeting on Friday but Chuck isn’t sure […]

Why Goal Setting?

Instead of just “Why Goal Setting”, it might be better said, “Why be conscious about what you want out of the next 3-5 years?”  The truth is you’re moving.  You are always in motion.  You’re going somewhere….known to you or not.  It may be a corporate agenda from your work, a city plan from politicians, […]